Oracle of the Hidden Worlds - Lucy Cavendish & Gilbert Williams
Oracle of the Hidden Worlds - Lucy Cavendish & Gilbert Williams
Oracle of the Hidden Worlds - Lucy Cavendish & Gilbert Williams
Oracle of the Hidden Worlds - Lucy Cavendish & Gilbert Williams
Oracle of the Hidden Worlds - Lucy Cavendish & Gilbert Williams
Oracle of the Hidden Worlds - Lucy Cavendish & Gilbert Williams
Oracle of the Hidden Worlds - Lucy Cavendish & Gilbert Williams
Oracle of the Hidden Worlds - Lucy Cavendish & Gilbert Williams
Oracle of the Hidden Worlds - Lucy Cavendish & Gilbert Williams
Oracle of the Hidden Worlds - Lucy Cavendish & Gilbert Williams
Oracle of the Hidden Worlds - Lucy Cavendish & Gilbert Williams
Oracle of the Hidden Worlds - Lucy Cavendish & Gilbert Williams
Oracle of the Hidden Worlds - Lucy Cavendish & Gilbert Williams
Oracle of the Hidden Worlds - Lucy Cavendish & Gilbert Williams

Oracle of the Hidden Worlds - Lucy Cavendish & Gilbert Williams

Beyond this world, just out of sight, lie wondrous realms you may have glimpsed, imagined, remembered or visited in dreams. These other worlds exist behind the veils, to protect and preserve their knowledge and energies.

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Oracle of the Hidden Worlds - Lucy Cavendish & Gilbert Williams

Beyond this world, just out of sight, lie wondrous realms you may have glimpsed, imagined, remembered or visited in dreams. These other worlds exist behind the veils, to protect and preserve their knowledge and energies. They are slowly revealing themselves, allowing themselves to be experienced and discovered, remembered and restored. Enter the visionary artwork of Gilbert Williams and embark on a marvellous journey into secret spaces and magickal places with bestselling author Lucy Cavendish as your personal guide.

Discover light temples, liminal pathways, Lemurian relics, Camelot’s mysteries and more! These worlds may be hidden, but their magick, glory and wisdom are within your reach.

Weight 453 gr, 1 lb(s)
ISBN 978-1-57281-991-7
Size 44 cards, 5.5" x 3.75", Box,
Box measures: 17.14 cm x 12.7 cm  (5" x 6.75")
Language EN
Author Lucy Cavendish
Artist Gilbert Williams
Publisher : Blue Angel (11/2019)

Founded by Toni and Martine Salerno, Blue Angel has been illuminating hearts and minds since 1997. With thanks to an ever-expanding alliance of writers, artists, editors and designers, Blue Angel has become an industry leader, renowned for crafting beautiful products that bring soulful messages and healing to the world.

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